Briar Crier (Margravine Media)
??The Briar Crier is a community news magazine that is delivered to 1,360+ homes in Briar Hill and Green Briar, two retirement communities situated on either side of the Nottawasaga Inn (& golf) Resort in Alliston. Our print circulation totals approximately 1,800 (the number of copies actually delivered). The number of readers far exceeds our print circulation.
The Briar Crier, which is now in its 24th year of publication, offers affordable advertising opportunities (in print and online) for your business to reach a unique and captured market. Our readers live in an affluent adult lifestyle community, and many of them are leading active lives and doing the things they have waited all their lives to do (including golf, travel, theatre, music, art, hobbies, dining out, etc). Others spend more time in their homes and some have special needs that require services to assist them in their daily living.
The Briar Crier promotes the activities of the Briar Hill and Green Briar community centres, as well as many local community groups, charitable, and non-profit organizations. The magazine is filled with regular columns, stories, recipes, Crossword and Sudoku puzzles, and news that is relevant to the residents.? The Briar Crier is a “good news” publication. The residents tell us that they look forward to receiving it, and in fact, they often promote the Briar Crier to the local business community. They also tell us they use the Briar Crier as a resource for finding the services and products they need and want.
Margravine Media, our parent company, also offers publishing and design services.?
Take a look at this affordable promotional opportunity!