Buff and Shine
You are unique and so are your needs.
We pride ourselves in offering a cleaning program that is geared to your needs.? Your home is visited by a staff member that is assigned to you. This one to one service allows you the security of knowing who is in your home.?Children and family pets are given the special attention that they require to make this a stress free service.
Whether this is a onetime visit or an ongoing schedule each client is given the best service possible.
Buff and Shine offers environmental products that are safe for your family. For those extra special cases the staff can use the products that are best needed to meet the requirements of your family.
We are happy to be working with Veterans Affairs and now accept VAC Health Identification Cards – are accepted for the Veterans Independence Program (VIP).
Gift certificates are available for that hard to buy for person.? Birthdays, Anniversaries, birth of a child, or just because you care, a gift is great. Are you working on a real-estate project,either buying or selling we can help with your needs.
Buff and Shine is insured to protect you and your home.? All employees are Bonded to add that extra security.
Just think of us as the pied piper of dust bunnies.