Imago Relationship Therapy & Education
Greg Taylor, BA, B.Ed., M.Ed. (Counselling), Certified Imago Therapist,?and Selene Taylor, BA, Certified Imago Community Educator,?offer Imago Relationship Therapy and Educational?Workshops?for couples and individuals.
What’s it all about?
Imago Relationship Therapy, co-created by Harville Hendrix, PhD. and Helen Lakelly Hunt, PhD., is a theory of couplehood and a process of helping couples deepen and transform their relationship.? Imago theory presents an approach that builds on previous efforts to create a relational theory integrating various psychological, behavioural, philosophical and spiritual disciplines.
Participants who have experienced Imago theory and practice through workshops, lectures, and counselling frequently say that Imago “just makes sense,” creating an understanding of romantic attraction and the inevitable struggles that follow.? It also offers more:? a sense of possibility.? Imago theory offers a way towards a deeply connected and intimate relationship.
Want more info?? Visit Imago Relationships International’s website: