
Join us for the April Strategic Brainstorming Session (free)

Hi everyone – it is hard to believe we’re moving through April. However, I’ll take it if the snow will stay away!

Have you joined us for a community session about brainstorming strategic solutions? The next strategic brainstorming session will be Wednesday April 13th at 7:00 pm (until 8:30 pm).

It’s 90 minutes of collaboration… The next strategic brainstorming session will be Wednesday April 13th at 7:00 pm (until 8:30 pm). Here is the link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81579860560

In past months, we’ve touched on collaboration in a general way, we’ve talked about trends and what is working, and last month we even talked about how we might work together with specific people!

This month I’d like to talk about how to find and reach clients (finding them in the first place has changed over the last couple of years). 

Do you have questions? Please let me know – patricia@growvantage.com
Have a great weekend (without the snow!!!)


Patricia Dent

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