
New at GV/Ask for Directions (closing next Wednesday at midnight)

I have this idea that has been growing over the past few weeks – and it may be of interest to you as part of the Grow Vantage Community. 

I was thinking about the impact of the pandemic – sudden changes in direction, new trends, new ways to do business, new rules and isolation. 

I started a series of monthly strategic brainstorming sessions in January that brought people together… and I’d like to continue them… but we also need community, business updates, accountability and most of all collaboration to continue to build our businesses. 

I haven’t created anything formal yet. Right now it’s an idea. But I think we could come together as a community (again) to support each other and collaborate – to help us navigate through whatever is to come and fasttrack our journey.

I’d like to Invite you to come and join the ACCESS membership as a founding member. Founding members get a big say in how the membership develops. In the beginning you’ll have a lot of access to me – we’re likely going to be a small group. 

Here is what I would like to include as a starting point (if it has value to you):

  • Keep us in touch in our community 
  • Get up to date business information (so you don’t have to research it yourself) 
  • Strategic brainstorming sessions to keep up with change (phew)
  • Opportunities to collaborate (my conviction is that this is a solid way to grow)
  • Accountability if you want it (to help us go forward)
  • Access to Ask For Directions coaching calls (including hot seats, and updates on business topics (This is the online version of Grow Vantage, only learning is self-paced and zoom calls are for updates, strategy and feedback) See invite to next Tuesday’s call below (as my guest)

This is a special founding initiative that I am hoping you will help me build based on your needs. It’s not a perfect finished product and it will adapt in the future as your needs change.

I am launching the membership for $19.97/month or $197.00.for the year (+ HST). This will never change for founding members in the group – but the price will go up for those who join later. 

Could you email me (patricia@growvantage.com) or DM me on Facebook and tell me 3 quick things:

1) Are you in as a founding member? (I am going to close this offer next Wednesday night).

2) What is your single biggest challenge right now? (or 2 if you have lots)

3) Let me know if you will take me up on an invitation as my guest to next Tuesday’s coaching call (May 31st)  for Ask For Directions. Drew Dekker (Netgain SEO) will give an update on Google changes, web info (and maybe some information on Google ads?) Timing is 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST. If you’d like to attend, I’ll send you the Zoom link to join us Tuesday (May 31st)

Thanks for considering this.


Patricia Dent

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