
Online Auction Donation Request

I am pleased to support Barrie Families Unite (BFU), a new and vital Barrie-based Not-for-Profit focused on bridging essential health and wellness gaps for low income individuals and families. BFU has been cultivating equity in our community by facilitating connection of individuals and engaging the power of community.
Since early 2020, and with the support of generous community volunteers and donors, BFU has demonstrated their core values of Integrity, Kindness, Compassion and Connection by providing:
Food Insecurity Assistance (nutrition and necessities for individuals and families beyond what is provided by the Food Bank, e.g. baby formula, diapers and emergency delivery/transportation)
Free Clothing (clothing for struggling individuals and families to provide comfort and warmth throughout all seasons, as well as safety boots and appropriate work wear for those beginning new jobs)
Situational Crisis Support (referrals to community agencies and navigation support for individuals and families dealing with trauma, e.g. fleeing abuse, transitioning from homelessness or house fire, bed bug infestation, as well as direct provision of temporary medical assistive devices and start over kits (household necessities) and volunteer-based transportation)
In partnership with A TOUCH OF CLASS AUCTIONS and renowned auctioneer KRISTA RICHARDS, BFU is delighted to announce that our 1st ANNUAL BARRIE FAMILIES UNITE ONLINE AUCTION will be held APRIL 15 (12PM) TO APRIL 21 (8PM) in support of our ongoing important community assistance activities. With over 16,000 Facebook and 700 Instagram followers, high-volume website traffic, as well as widespread event promotion, we are confident in the success of this exciting fundraiser!
We are counting on the support of community members such as yourself and would be so GRATEFUL for DONATIONS OF AN ITEM, SERVICE OR EXPERIENCE to our upcoming online auction. Every little bit will make a difference!
All auction donations must be received by no later than March 31, 2022 to be featured in our online auction catalogue along with a prominent mention of each donor. We would be pleased to pick up your donation at your convenience, or you may deliver your donation to either of the following Donation Drop Boxes between March 6 to 31, 2022:
NE BARRIE: 57 Ottaway Ave. (please use rubbermaid bin set out front of house)
NW BARRIE: 60 Lang Dr. (please use rubbermaid bin set out on porch)
SE BARRIE: 63 Windsor Cr. (please use rubbermaid bin set out on porch)
Please do not hesitate to contact me at eventsbyla@hotmail.com for more information.
We appreciate your support!
L.A. Hill
Events by L.A.
To learn more about BFU, please visit their website at https://barriefamiliesunite.com
Lynn Anne Hill
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