Looming deadline for creatives/Tourism: Emerging Artists Program: by April 10th

+ other opportunities Emerging Artists Program Apply for the Emerging Artists Program by April 10th!The Emerging Artist program is a summer intensive employment opportunity for musicians and other creatives aged 15 to 30. Program participants engage in daily interdisciplinary music business and performance training from world-class industry leaders and perform multiple times per week.View Open Positions Call for…

Join us for the April Strategic Brainstorming Session (free)

Hi everyone – it is hard to believe we’re moving through April. However, I’ll take it if the snow will stay away! Have you joined us for a community session about brainstorming strategic solutions? The next strategic brainstorming session will be Wednesday April 13th at 7:00 pm (until 8:30 pm). It’s 90 minutes of collaboration……

Mayor’s Innovation Awards Ceremony: 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 14!

View the Innovation Awards online and support your colleagues: On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cityofbarrie On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqezvt_JPnKyc13gmwViklw About the Mayor’s Innovation Awards The fourth annual Innovation Awards go ‘Beyond the New Normal’, discovering and celebrating stories of strength, creativity, and adaption from across the community. The awards recognize businesses, individuals, and organizations whose innovative approaches and sheer determination contributes to a resilient foundation for…

Changes to Google My Business

The Google My Business app is being replaced The Google My Business app is being replaced Start using Google Maps and Search to keep your Business Profile up to date and connect with customers. Try it on Google Maps: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.maps&pcampaignid=maps_APP_DEPRECATION_1 https://apps.apple.com/app/id585027354 Start using Google Maps and Search to keep your Business Profile up to date…

Email Marketing… did it die with Apple privacy restrictions (yes? no?)

How Apple iOS 15 is Impacting Email Marketers [New Data] Hubspot’s Take on the impact of Apple’s privacy restrictions…. if you email your clients, read on Written by Maxwell Iskiev Back in September 2021, the announcement of Apple’s iOS 15 data privacy changes triggered a mass hysteria among email marketers, with some even proclaiming that email marketing as…

This Week’s Women Positive Podcast – on Confidence

Listen to entrepreneur Christie Buckley (of Buckley & Associates, and Savvy Learning Solutions) walk through how she learned to eliminate fear, make people take her seriously, and learn the skills and strategies to become confident, first as an employee, then ultimately packing it in to start her own show. Listen to our weekly podcast @…